Much progress has been made since ACAN’s fundraising Zoom meeting in November 2024.  About £8,000 has been raised since then, excluding the very generous funding of the solar-powered training kitchen on the farm by our anonymous major donor.

The project team in Malawi with the GAPP farmers have all been very busy ensuring that your donations are put to very good use.  As you know, we have no administrative overheads, as all the management in the UK and in Malawi is undertaken by volunteers, so all your money goes directly to support the development of sustainable farming in the Gumbi villages.

Here is a 3-page “thank you” newsletter with a summary of the project plan for 2025, and photos and messages from the GAPP project team in Malawi.  They are optimistic that the GAPP farm will be offering training courses to local farmers from July or August onwards.  Don’t miss the photos of community tree-planting on the final page!

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