Jenny is one of our regular Alton Community Share borrowers, she’s just returned some Vtech kits she borrowed 2 weeks ago, to keep her grandchildren entertained. We had a big bag of Vtech bits, but not much clue what we had, so Jenny took the bag home and set her grandson Liam a challenge. Liam is a practical and patient lad! He sorted out all the parts into four separate Vtech kits, including a garage and a fairground!
With Jenny’s help all the kits have been photographed and labelled and are ready for more families to take home and borrow. We’re thrilled to discover that we have four complete Vtech kits, and even more pleased, that they will be easier for families to take home, rebuild and enjoy again.

Jenny looks after her grandchildren at weekends and loves coming to Alton Community Share to choose toys and games to keep them busy and entertained.
“This has been a boon, it’s something different for them to play with each time they come”
This week Jenny found an Air Hockey Game and a Lego kit for Liam to build next time he comes to see his Nanna Jenny.
Many regular borrowers are grandparents stocking up on toys and games for their grandchildren to enjoy. Our community lending library means borrowers can bring back and swap toys as children get older and always have something new to surprise their young visitors. There’s no need to worry about storing lots of toys, and everything is free to borrow.
The added feel-good factor, is all our toys and games are preloved, tried and tested family favorites. Alton Community Share exists to support families to make sustainable choices, reduce waste, recycle and reuse toys. We’re open every second and fourth Saturday of the month at St Lawrence Parish Church from 10- 12 noon. Upcoming dates for the diary:
25th February
11th March
25th March
8th April
22nd April