Home Events Public meeting: A new future for ACAN

Public meeting: A new future for ACAN

Jenny, Eleanor & Phinna have managed ACAN since its inception in 2019 and, with your help and enthusiasm, created a Climate Action Network which is achieving a huge amount and has a well-deserved reputation for innovation and action around the county and beyond.
However, we now feel the time has come to hand over to a new core group of people with the energy, time and determination to bring people together to take positive community action to reduce our impact on the planet. Who and how this works has got to be up to you, so we are calling an open meeting on:
Monday 29th January at the Alton Maltings at 7pm
Bring your ideas and enthusiasm and seize the opportunity to get involved with the creation of ACAN Mark 2 with new people at the helm, a new vision and a new approach.

Could you join a working group to carry on developing ideas after the public meeting?

If you can’t come on the 29th, no problem, please get in touch by email etc. and we’ll be delighted to meet for a chat.

2 thoughts on “Public meeting: A new future for ACAN

  1. I’m interested in coming to your meeting on 29 Jan. I’m working with local residents in Privett and Froxfield to develop support and advice about renewable energy for our local community.

    1. Mark – you will be very welcome on the 29th. Our meeting is focused on ACAN’s future as we three founding Trustees are standing down. But it will be a really good opportunity for you to meet people. One of ACAN’s oldest and most active groups is Energy Alton – http://www.energyalton.org.uk You might want to get in touch with them – Stuart Mills stu@energyalton.org.uk They provide advice and support to local people on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Look forward to seeing you. Best wishes, Jenny Griffiths

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