“Floods drown our planet. Wildfires burn it. I hear pledges that we’ll do better tomorrow – but we don’t have time for anything other than action now.” So declared 16-year-old Lillie Ewins, speaking by video on behalf of Young ACAN at the East Hampshire COP26 conference on 8th October in Alton.

In a video made specially for the local COP26 conference, Lillie continued, “I have almost no power. I cannot vote. I cannot become a councillor or an MP. I am almost completely reliant on you, the policy-makers and voters to do what is best for me. To know that I may die potentially decades before my time and not be able to do anything about it is terrifying.
Watch Lillie’s video here: Lillie Ewins COP26 Speech.mp4
In a video made specially for the local COP26 conference, Lillie continued, “I have almost no power. I cannot vote. I cannot become a councillor or an MP. I am almost completely reliant on you, the policy-makers and voters to do what is best for me. To know that I may die potentially decades before my time and not be able to do anything about it is terrifying.
“Because of this I do not ask, I demand that you push yourselves harder and do the things you know need to be done.” She told the many decision-makers present at the conference not to delay these changes because they believed they are too difficult or too harsh.
Lillie concluded with a fervent request, “Make use of whatever power you have for the ones who haven’t got any at all.”
Jenny Griffiths from ACAN said, “There was much welcome commitment and enthusiasm for action to tackle the climate crisis from the array of speakers at the East Hampshire COP26, and lots of important ideas about how we can massively reduce carbon emissions, for example from buildings, from transport and from agriculture. But we really are running out of time. The UN Secretary-General described the United Nation’s latest assessment report as ‘code red for humanity’. As Lillie says, we need action now, not tomorrow, and policy-makers at all levels of government must lead the way. We are urging them, with a growing sense of desperation, to listen to the pleas of young people and get on with implementing their climate strategies with great urgency.”
On Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st October, ACAN and local community groups and churches are holding a Vigil of Hope in Alton’s Market Square for the UN Climate Conference being held in Glasgow from 1st November. All are welcome at any time between 9 am and 9 pm on both days.
Find Young ACAN on Instagram: @youngacan