A wake-up call from young people – before it’s too late
There was a loud, insistent and VERY clear message from young people at the ACAN/Alton Town Council Eco-Fair on 11th July: a message addressed to adults. We must act now to reduce carbon emissions – not tomorrow, NOW!
- Valentina aged 7 spoke about her picture “Save our planet”
- Frankie Morland aged 9 sang about “The World in Danger – I want to enjoy your beauty before you’re gone”
- Students from Amery Hill School talked about their fears for the climate crisis and how they are playing their part through their Eco-Union

The call to action came particularly powerfully from three students from Eggars School. Please do read their speeches and take action, TODAY not tomorrow.
Lillie Ewins said, “We like to tell ourselves that we’re doing enough. After all, it’s not our fault the planet is dying – we’re not the ones pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Oh no, it’s not us …
“No one person or institution can truly be held responsible for the climate crisis, but I find it almost too easy to place the blame for those responsible for its continuation. It’s not just the multinational oil companies, the manufacturing industry, or even the governments, it’s us, all of us: the average person – we are all responsible.
“This is happening now, and if we don’t take action urgently, there will no longer be a planet to save.”
Daisy Mansfield reminded us that, “Millions of people making little everyday changes, will create one big change. Creating a stable future for generations ahead.” She talked about the changes we can all make – weaning ourselves off our addiction to “fast fashion”; eating less meat; using the car less and walking and cycling instead.
Evie Goros who described vividly the terrible impact of industrial fishing practices and over-fishing on marine eco-systems and issued the following appeal: “We are consumers, responsible for feeding and growing the industries we choose to buy from. If enough of us stop, or reduce our fish intake, we can force these industries to adopt more sustainable practices.”
It is not difficult to reduce our own carbon emissions, if we take it a step at a time. We can set ourselves a target of a 10% reduction each year. See our suggestions for what we can do. https://altonclimatenetwork.org.uk/climate-crisis-resources/what-we-can-do/reducing-our-carbon-emissions/ And talk to family and friends about the urgent need for immediate action, and what you are doing yourself.
And you might want to volunteer for one of ACAN’s growing number of community groups
At the Eco-Fair, Mike Orchard performed an arrangement of the famous climate song, “Sing Loud for the Climate”.
“We need to wake up! We need to wise up!
We need to open our eyes! And do it NOW, NOW, NOW!
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now!”